Welcome Autumn

My favorite season is here. It’s not just the time of year that I love, it’s the mood of the season. I love the crisp mornings that urge you to sip on something hot, and the wind that blows whirlwinds of leaves off the trees. I love wearing cozy wool sweaters and socks with sandals (I don’t think I’ll ever understand why that’s such a fashion faux pas–I have to strongly disagree). In New England everyone talks of pumpkins, apple picking, and hot apple cider. The squirrels are busy with their acorns. There’s a freshness in the air and an energy that’s oddly striving yet relaxed.

Welcome Autumn

This is the time of year that I like to watch or read a Shakespeare play. Maybe it’s the back-to-school vibe that still lingers in me, but good prose and Autumn go together like coffee and a muffin.

The past couple of nights after getting Fae to sleep, Jared and I watched part 1 of the new Hollow Crown series on PBS, Shakespeare’s Richard II. As I was lying in bed each night watching the play on our laptop, listening through headphones, all snuggled up under the quilt next to my husband and baby, I felt more relaxed and cozy than I have in a while. Summer is so busy, full of day-trips and excitement, and when Autumn strikes it feels as though nature is telling me to take a breath, be calm, and savor life.

Fae Welcomes Autumn

The melancholy nature of Autumn is just so beautiful to me. It’s enchanting. I’m going to soak up all the golden rays this Fall, knowing that this season comes to an end all too quick.

2 responses to “Welcome Autumn

  1. This really is my favourite time of the year. Something about Autumn brings out my creativity! I can’t condone socks and sandals, but I do love a season where you can pair a sweater and scarf with flats:)

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